Final verdict will come tomorrow in Jiah Khan case, after 10 years the actress will get justice!

 Jiah Khan
, a Bollywood actress, was discovered dead at her flat on June 3, 2013. A six-page suicide note from the actress' home that was allegedly authored by Jiah Khan Khan was discovered after the incident. He stated that Sooraj Pancholi, Jiah's lover, was charged with aiding in the actress's murder. After hearing the closing arguments from both sides in this case on April 20, Special CBI Judge AS Syed withheld judgement until the subsequent hearing. Now, the special CBI court will render its decision on the Jiah Khan case at 10.30 am on April 28. 

The court denied the petition of mother Rabia

The late actress's mother, Rabia Khan, had also charged Sooraj Pancholi in this matter. Sooraj Pancholi was subsequently detained for more than two weeks before being freed on bond on June 10, 2013, following his arrest. Later, in July 2014, the CBI was contacted about the situation. Jiah's mother had also claimed that it was a suicide rather than a murder. Following this, his petition for a further investigation into the matter was denied by the Bombay High Court last year.

Previously, Suraj misbehaved around Jiah.

Jiah Khan's mother had testified to the CBI court that Suraj had previously mistreated Jiah verbally and physically. He added that neither the police nor the CBI had gathered any proof of this. 

Tomorrow, the ultimate judgement will be made. It

Jiah Khan made her Bollywood debut with the movie Nishabd ten years ago. After ten years, on April 28 at 10.30 am, the special CBI court will render its decision in this case.

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