Bollywood veteran actor Ashish Vidyarthi has lately stunned everyone by marrying fashion industrialist Rupali Baruah for the second time at the age of 60. After the marriage, ever since the wedding images of both of them became viral on social media, this news has taken the internet by storm. Now, among these developments, Ashish's first wife, Rajoshi alias Peelu Vidyarthi, is seen dealing with ups and downs in her life. It's not us, but a mysterious social media post published by him is telling.
Famous actor Ashish Vidyarthi has tied the knot for the second time. As per sources, the actor married Rupali Baruah, an entrepreneur from Assam, on May 25 in a private ceremony in Kolkata. The National Award-winning actor was once married to Rajoshi Baruah. Ashish's marriage seems to have stunned movie aficionados as much as the actor's first wife and actress Rajoshi. In the past several hours, Rajoshi has uploaded two enigmatic posts on her Instagram Stories, in which the actress talks about anything from overthinking to hurting a human being.
On his Instagram Stories, Rajoshi offered two strange posts. His first post is pretty motivating. The post talks about getting injured by the person they believed was the perfect person for them. Rajoshi's post read, 'Remember, the proper person will not ask you what you mean to them. They would never do something that would hurt you because they would know it.'
In her second piece, Rajoshi writes about how she has been able to find serenity in her life by eliminating the reasons for overthinking. In it, he wrote, 'Hope overthinking and doubt go out of your head today. Clarity can replace confusion. May tranquilly flood your life. You have been strong long enough; now it is time to receive your blessings. You deserve it.'
While Rajoshi is posting such messages, Ashish Vidyarthi too shared his first post after his marriage. He released a video outlining his experiences in Kolkata. In the video, Ashish details his experience walking the streets of the city. Interestingly, Ashish married Rupali in Kolkata, but the actor did not say whether the video was shot before or after the wedding. Talking about his marriage, the actor told a media source, 'It is an incredible sensation to marry Rupali at this time of my life. We had a court marriage in the morning, followed by a get-together in the evening.