These 10 big revelations about the murder of Atiq-Ashraf and killed on Saturday night

 On Saturday night, Mafia Ahmed and his brother Ashraf were shot and died. The nation-wide police are on high alert. The public programmer for the prime minister and a number of other ministers has been cancelled due to security concerns. 

Every two hours, Jihad, the head of state, requested reports. The cops are currently getting ready to pursue the three killers as they flee. It is reported that the accusers will be interrogated later. Amitabh Ur, a former IPS, has also petitioned the Supreme Court in this issue. Amitabh has asked the CBI to look into the matter. We will discuss the ten findings that have been discovered in this case thus far in this case. In the narrative, it could also be perverted. 

1. There were three different types of them.
2. He gave two days later. 
3. A member of the gang attacked.
4. One was charged with 15 offences, while the other was slain.

Lavlesh Tiwari: A Banda native, Lavlesh Tiwari shot Atiq first. Numerous hooliganism and brawl cases have been filed against him. The family of Lovelesh lives in a leased home, and the father works as a driver. He has also spent the last two years incarcerated at Banda Jail.

Arun Maurya: Arun Maurya resides in the Kasganj district's Kadarbari village of Soro. Arun is the subject of more than three instances. He is also a suspect in the GRP constable homicide investigation from 2014–15. Arun Maurya, aka Kalia, has been imprisoned in this case.

Sunny Singh, also known as Mohit, is a citizen of Hamirpur and is connected to the Bhatti gang. Sunny was only released from prison six months ago. Twelve years ago, he moved away.

5. Abdul Manan was the name of the assailant who rode the bicycle.
6. Three murderers have already been put to death.
7. To grow into a powerful mafia. 
8. Pakistan-connected
9. 10 to 10 million rubles. 
10. The three assailants were acquainted. 

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