Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui is noted for his powerful acting. He has given more than one hit film to Bollywood. One of these is his film, Gangs of Wasseypur. In which he accomplished miracles with his performance. After this film, Nawazuddin's fan following expanded a lot. Gangs of Wasseypur 'permission leni chahiye' episode was in the limelight. Users shared this scene passionately on social media and had a lot of fun. Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Huma Qureshi were seen in this sequence. During an interview, Nawaz revealed that this incident happened in his real life. When he conveyed this to director Anurag Kashyap, he took it into the film.
During the interview provided to the media, Nawazuddin Siddiqui revealed that he had a girlfriend. Who informed him that he should get his consent before touching him. This scene was captured in Anurag Kashyap's Gangs of Wasseypur, which was warmly appreciated by the people.
Nawazuddin said I had a girlfriend. I asked her if we could go to a park. I glanced around, and it was quite deserted, so I put my hand on hers. He questioned me, 'Yeh kya hai (what is this)?' I answered, 'Nothing; there is a hand'. He stated that was illegal. As soon as he said the word 'illegal', only police and judicial courts sprang to mind. I could think about problems, and I felt that I had made a tremendous mistake.
Nawazuddin plays the character of Faisal Khan, son of mobster Sardar Khan in Gangs of Wasseypur. Huma Qureshi was also seen with him in this 2012 flick.